Good Morning Snore Solution:A Comprehensive Review

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Stop snoring and get a better night’s sleep with the Good Morning Snore Solution mouthpiece. Clinically proven to reduce snoring, the GMSS is a safe and effective way to improve your sleep quality and the quality of sleep for your bed partner.

Our original sized mouthpiece is designed to fit your individual mouth, ensuring a snug and secure experience throughout the night. It works by gently holding your tongue in a forward position, effectively keeping your upper airways open and reducing snoring.

Good Morning Snore Solution: A Comprehensive Review
Good Morning Snore Solution: A Comprehensive Review


Introduction to MPowrx Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece: A Comprehensive Review

MPowrx is a Canadian company that makes anti-snoring devices. Their flagship product, the Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece, is a popular and effective way to reduce or eliminate snoring.

MPowrx, a Canadian health and wellness company, developed the Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece in 2008. It is an FDA-approved, over-the-counter treatment for snoring that was created by dentist and sleep specialist Dr. Leslie Dort.

Snoring is caused by the tongue and throat muscles relaxing while we sleep. This causes the tissues in the throat to vibrate, which produces the characteristic snoring sound. The Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece works by stabilizing the tongue throughout the night, preventing it from falling back into the throat and reducing the vibration of the tissues.

The mouthpiece is made of dental-grade plastic resin that is BHA and BPA-free. It does not need to be customized or adjusted, and it is available in two sizes: original and small/young adult. The mouthpiece is designed to last between 12 and 24 months.

Studies have shown that tongue-stabilizing devices like the Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece can be very effective for reducing or eliminating snoring. One study found that over 70% of participants reported a significant reduction in snoring after using a tongue-stabilizing device for 4 weeks.

What exactly are Good Morning Snore Solution?

The Good Morning Snore Solution is a tongue-stabilizing device that works by holding the tongue in a forward position while you sleep. This helps to keep your airways open and reduce snoring.

The Good Morning Snore Solution is made of dental-grade plastic resin that is BHA and BPA-free. It is available in two sizes, original and small/young adult.

The Good Morning Snore Solution has been clinically tested and has been shown to be effective in reducing snoring. It is also FDA-approved.

The Good Morning Snore Solution is a popular choice for people who are looking for an effective and comfortable way to reduce snoring. It is also a good option for people who have tried other anti-snoring devices and have not found them to be effective.

How the Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece Works

Most people snore because the tissues and muscles in the mouth and throat relax while they sleep. This allows for vibrations that cause the characteristic snoring sound. Most anti-snoring mouthpieces work by decreasing the amount of muscle and tissue that can vibrate.

The Good Morning Snore Solution mouthpiece is different from other anti-snoring mouthpieces in that it gently traps the tip of the user’s tongue. This holds the tongue forward and in place throughout the night, reducing muscle relaxation while allowing for a more natural jaw position. This makes it a good option for people who cannot use other types of anti-snoring mouthpieces, such as mandibular advancement devices.

The Good Morning mouthpiece has a low-profile design and is unlikely to bother most sleepers. However, people who sleep on their stomachs or who are active sleepers may dislodge it during the night

What Are The Health Benefits of Using Good Morning Snore Solution?

Good Morning Snore Solution mouthpiece can have a number of health benefits. It can improve sleep quality, reduce daytime fatigue, improve cardiovascular health, and improve mood and cognitive function.

  • Reduces snoring. The Good Morning Snore Solution mouthpiece is clinically proven to reduce snoring. This is because it gently holds the tongue in a forward position, keeping the upper airways open and preventing the tongue from falling back and obstructing the airway.
  • Improves sleep quality. Snoring can disrupt sleep, both for the snorer and for their bed partner. Reducing snoring can lead to a more peaceful and restful night’s sleep.
  • Reduces daytime fatigue. Snoring can lead to daytime fatigue, as it can cause sleep deprivation. Reducing snoring can help to improve energy levels and alertness during the day.
  • Improves cardiovascular health. Snoring is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease and stroke. Reducing snoring can help to reduce this risk.
  • Improves mood and cognitive function. Sleep deprivation can lead to mood swings, difficulty concentrating, and other cognitive problems. Reducing snoring can help to improve mood and cognitive function.

What are the advantages of Good Morning Snore Solution?

  • Original sized mouthpiece: This means that the mouthpiece is designed to fit your individual mouth, ensuring a snug and secure experience throughout the night.
  • Clinically proven: The GMSS has been clinically validated to reduce snoring.
  • Made in the USA: The GMSS is proudly manufactured in the United States and holds FDA clearance for Over-The-Counter (OTC) use.
  • Effective: The GMSS works by gently holding your tongue in a forward position, effectively keeping your upper airways open and reducing snoring.
  • Simple to use: The GMSS is a straightforward solution that is easy to use.
  • Comfortable: The GMSS is designed to be comfortable to wear.

What is the scientific evidence Behind Good Morning Snore Solution?

The scientific evidence behind the Good Morning Snore Solution is based on the principle of tongue stabilization. Tongue stabilization devices work by gently holding the tongue in a forward position, which helps to keep the upper airways open and reduce snoring.

A clinical study published in the journal Sleep and Breathing found that the Good Morning Snore Solution was effective in reducing snoring in 73% of participants. The study also found that the device was safe and well-tolerated.

Another study, published in the journal Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, found that tongue stabilization devices were more effective than mandibular advancement devices (MADs) in reducing snoring. MADs work by moving the lower jaw forward, which also helps to keep the upper airways open.

Who are the people behind Good Morning Snore Solution?

Dr. Dort was inspired to develop the Good Morning Snore Solution by his own experience with snoring. He found that other anti-snoring devices were uncomfortable or ineffective, so he decided to create his own device.

Is Good Morning Snore Solution safe to use?

The GMSS is FDA-cleared as a Class II medical device. This means that it has been tested and found to be safe and effective. The material used to make the GMSS is also safe and non-toxic.

Who should use the Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece?

The Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece is a good option for people who snore due to a relaxed tongue or muscle weakness in the throat. It is also a good option for people who have tried other anti-snoring devices and have not found them to be effective.

Who should not use the Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece?

The Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece is not recommended for people with sleep apnea, respiratory disorders, loose teeth, unhealthy gums, periodontal disease, allergies to ethyl vinyl acetate or thermoplastic elastomers, or oral mucosal diseases that impact mucosal integrity.

Are there any side effects to using Good Morning Snore Solution?

Some people may experience side effects from using the device, such as drooling, dry mouth, and tongue numbness. These side effects are usually mild and go away on their own after a few days or weeks of using the device.

How long will the mouthpiece last?

While most people should expect the Good Morning to last a year, some customers report that theirs has survived two years without any noticeable damage.

Cleaning and care

The Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece is easy to clean. Simply soak it in a mixture of cold water and a cleaning solution designed for dentures, retainers, or mouth guards for 10 minutes.

Prescription required?

No, the Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece is FDA-cleared as an over-the-counter medical device.

How much does Good Morning Snore Solution cost?

The GMSS costs $99.94. This is more expensive than some other anti-snoring devices, but it is important to note that the GMSS is FDA-cleared and made of high-quality materials.

Where can consumers purchase Good Morning Snore Solution?

The Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece can only be purchased through its official website.

Shipping and trial period

The Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece ships from locations in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Shipping time is typically 3-5 business days. The company also offers a trial period, so customers can return the mouthpiece if they are not satisfied with it.

Customer satisfaction with the Good Morning Snore Solution (GMSS)

The Good Morning Snore Solution is a popular anti-snoring device with a high customer satisfaction rating. In a clinical trial, 73% of participants reported significant improvements in their snoring after using the GMSS. Over 90% of customers on Amazon and other online retailers report that the GMSS has helped to reduce or eliminate their snoring. The GMSS is also well-reviewed by critics, with an average rating of 4.2 stars.

Customers appreciate that the GMSS is effective at reducing snoring and comfortable to wear. Some customers have reported side effects such as drooling and dry mouth, but these side effects are usually mild and go away after a few days or weeks of use.

Overall, the Good Morning Snore Solution is a safe and effective anti-snoring device with a high customer satisfaction rating.


The Good Morning Snore Solution (GMSS) is a clinically proven anti-snoring mouthpiece that works by gently holding the tongue in a forward position, keeping the upper airways open and reducing snoring. The GMSS is made in the USA and holds FDA clearance for Over-The-Counter (OTC) use.

Customer satisfaction with the GMSS is high, with over 90% of customers reporting that it has helped to reduce or eliminate their snoring. The GMSS is also well-reviewed by critics, with an average rating of 4.2 stars.