Empower Yourself:Own Your Birth Journey

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Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions, foster a sense of control, and navigate your birth and postpartum experience with confidence.

Enroll in the ‘Own Your Birth!’ program today and transform your birth experience into a positive, empowering, and fulfilling one.Visit Kata Racz’s website now to explore the program options and take charge of your birth journey.

Empower Yourself: Own Your Birth Journey
Empower Yourself: Own Your Birth Journey


Empower Yourself: Own Your Birth Journey

Navigating the journey of pregnancy and childbirth can be an overwhelming experience, filled with anticipation, excitement, and a touch of uncertainty. While you diligently follow your baby’s development week by week, preparing for the actual birth can often feel like an afterthought.

Kata Racz, a doula, childbirth educator, mother, and YouTuber, understands this common dilemma. She has witnessed firsthand the impact of unpreparedness and the power of informed decision-making. Through her ‘Own Your Birth!’ program, she empowers expectant mothers to take charge of their birth and breastfeeding experiences, shaping these life-changing events according to their unique preferences and values.

Unveiling the Power of Preparation

Kata’s own journey as a first-time mother highlighted the importance of thorough preparation. Despite her confidence in her body’s ability to give birth, she found herself caught off guard by the medical interventions suggested by her doctor. Without a comprehensive understanding of her options and the ability to advocate for her desired birth experience, she felt disempowered.

This realization fueled Kata’s passion for empowering other women to take charge of their birth journeys. The ‘Own Your Birth!’ program provides expectant mothers with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions, fostering a sense of control and confidence.

Comprehensive Preparation for Every Step

The program is divided into two parts, meticulously designed to guide you through each stage of your birth and postpartum experience:

Part 1: Embracing Childbirth

  • Immerse yourself in a comprehensive online childbirth preparation program, featuring over 12 hours of insightful videos.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge through a detailed 100+ page workbook, ensuring you retain key information and strategies.
  • Equip your partner with the ‘L&D Cheat Sheet,’ providing them with essential comfort measures and labor positions to effectively support you during childbirth.
  • Affirm your positive birth intentions with 20 beautifully designed birth affirmation cards, subtly influencing your unconscious mind.
  • Master relaxation techniques with guided relaxation tracks, fostering a sense of calm and well-being throughout your pregnancy and labor.

Part 2: Navigating Postpartum and Breastfeeding

  • Continue your learning journey with an online breastfeeding and postpartum preparation program, featuring approximately 4 hours of informative videos.
  • Deepen your understanding with a comprehensive 40+ page workbook, reinforcing key concepts and practices.
  • Receive exclusive access to three valuable bonuses:
  • Fear Clearance Video Workshop: Uncover and release any lingering fears or anxieties surrounding childbirth.
  • Birth Easier! Video Course: Learn techniques to rebalance your body and optimize conditions for a smoother birth.
  • One-Time Personal Consultation: Connect with Kata for a personalized consultation, tailored to your specific needs and questions.

Embrace Informed Choice and Empowering Birth

The ‘Own Your Birth!’ program is available in two bundles to suit your individual needs and preferences:

Basic Bundle:

  • Ideal for those seeking comprehensive childbirth preparation.
  • Includes Part 1 of the program, along with downloadable workbooks, labor and delivery room cheat sheet, relaxation tracks, and birth affirmation cards.

Platinum Bundle:

  • Provides a holistic approach to childbirth, postpartum, and breastfeeding preparation.
  • Includes both Part 1 and Part 2 of the program, along with all the bonuses offered in the Basic Bundle.

Take Charge of Your Birth Experience

Whether you’re a first-time mother or seeking a more informed experience for your subsequent pregnancies, the ‘Own Your Birth!’ program empowers you to make informed decisions, navigate the birth process with confidence, and emerge from the experience feeling empowered and fulfilled.

Invest in your birth journey and embrace the power of informed preparation. Visit Kata Racz’s website today to learn more and start your path to an empowering birth experience.